Day 7
Boadilla del Camino to Sahagun

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A cool day as we ride along the carretera past the many watering canals that are abundant in this area of spain. Some of them look as if they have been here for hundreds of years.
Just outside of Fromista, we have our picture taken in front of the canal. Fromista has a beautiful church (built in the 11th century) that is worth a stop.
And then the Camino and the carretera are side by side. Jeff rides on the Camino while I choose the less bumpy road. The cycling is quite monotonous, hardly any trees to break up the landscape.

In Sahagun the refugio is located inside the Trinity Church. There are three interesting churches, one of which has a pilgrims mass. Ask 'a que hora esta la misa de peregrinos?' (when is the pilgrims mass) at the refugio. If you get there early enough, the Benedictine Convent Museum is fascinating as well.


Refugios are located at:


Refugio Municipal

Poblacion de Campos:

Refugio Municipal en las antiguas escuelas (in the old school)

Villacalzar de Sirga:

Refugio Municipal

Carrion de los Condes:

Refugio Munipal at the church Santa Maria
Refugio (private) in the Convent de las Clarisas


Refugio Municipal


Refugio Privado (private)

Terradillo de los Templarios:

Refugio Privado (private), reported to not have running water


Refugio Municipal in the Iglesia de la Trinidad, immediately to the right after crossing the bridge


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