Great Rivers Ride
Cape Girardeau to Nashville

Southrnbelle's Home
Missouri and Illinois

The cycling bug bit us once again and we decided to test self-contained touring in the US. Our friends thought we had lost our marbles. "You are asking to get run over or mugged" and "American motorists hate bicyclists" is what we were told. Undaunted, the next Friday, we threw our bikes in the back of a rental car at the Nashville airport and drove to Missouri. To our surprise, just one driver gave us 'the finger' (in Missouri), otherwise, we encountered much courtesy and friendliness, both on the road and off. During our 408 miles of cycling, we had great weather and no mechanical problems, not even a flat tire. Our route is highlighted on the clickable map below and the following pages have pictures and annotations about the trip

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Southrnbelle's Home
Missouri and Illinois